On 04/05/2012 03:47 PM, Martin Millnert wrote:
Vad jag vet är inte klimatet i .se så förlåtande mot privatpolisiära åtgärder som det där. Har inte hört något liknande, men upphovsrättsindustrin har väl lobbat för det där länge.

Undra om det blir någon lavin av anmälningar från dem till polisen när LEK-justeringen att även bötesbrott ger polisen åtkomst till DLD-data träder i kraft?

Den som lever får se.

Här kommer strålande grundforskning vad gäller VPN från bloggen Upphovsträtan:
Datalagring – omfattas anonymiseringstjänster?
Glad påsk :-)



On Apr 5, 2012, at 15:23, "JOSEFSSON Erik" <erik.josefsson@europarl.europa.eu> wrote:

Dom ger inte upp...

... har vi nagra ISPar i Sverige som lutar at att kapa linan om man tankar fel?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Tell the ISPs: Don't cut users off from the Internet
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 12:48:34 -0700

This is a friendly message from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. View it in a web browser.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Dear Erik,

Some of the top American ISPs are moving ahead with a backroom deal to set up a "graduated response" system for addressing copyright infringement accusations. And while the major media groups had a say in how the policy was shaped, the millions of subscribers who will be affected by it were not invited to the table.

The details of the agreement are not yet finalized, but the real danger is the framework that is now in place. Once the program launches on July 1, the media groups will be pressuring the ISPs to add harsher penalties.

Click here to join EFF in demanding that the ISPs make a clear and public commitment that they won't use the "graduated response" program to cut their subscribers off of the Internet after "six strikes."

Act now

The Internet is an increasingly important part of daily life for the millions of subscribers these ISPs represent. We can't let it be cut off for unproven accusations of infringement from a publisher, record label, or movie studio.

Defending your digital rights,

Parker Higgins
EFF Activism Team


Erik Josefsson
Advisor on Internet Policies
Greens/EFA Group
GSM: +32484082063
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