
We would love to invite you to the Change Island Prototype experiment:

Date: Friday 1. April 2016 - 9am-8.30pm

Location: Häktet, Bastionsgatan Karlskrona

Please confirm your participation before March 29 to makeithappen@hyperisland.com

Please be aware that this is a full day participatory event*

Purpose: Create a space for Change and transformation

With Change Island we are attempting to set up a new platform, which requires several aspects to work together at the same time. It is about creating a collaborative space where we can experiment and explore the change that we want to see in the world, to then share that with each other and the world. We see an enormous opportunity in involving different kinds of stakeholders in this exploration, including Hyper Island’s own students, companies that want to be part of co-creating the future, as well as the general public.

The Aim: Is to identify and experience how the core content of this concept could look and feel like, and establish a possible working group that can support in the further development of this project. We need to find out what guidelines and frames would be important to set up for the change island festival that is happening in September, this is an experimental space for us to explore.

In this development phase, we want to invite you to join us in shaping this platform. Your passion and ideas are vital for the success

Desired out: We want your contributions,  inputs and feedback.  We invite you to test this concept with us.

Calling question: How do we learn in a changing world?

The days set up:

9am  A welcome and introduction.

10am   Workshops, and session

12pm   Lunch

1pm   Workshops, and session

6pm   Closing down

7pm   Eat together and share experiences

We really hope that you can make it!

Best regards

Hyper Island Karlskrona team

Malin, Alisa, Oliver, Jørg

And so you are, as I am, unique as every tree
for you have traveled a path that only you can see
and I have traveled a path that I can only be
but today our streets meet
so we can share a little dance from our unique beat

Alisa Hentze

Denmark / Sweden