Det här börjar bli komplicerat tycker jag.
Om en individ, typ jag, blockar reklam är det okej.
Om en ISP gör det är det inte okej enligt Lauren.
Klockrent problem.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Ad Blocking vs. ISPs ("The French Connection")
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 21:00:33 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren(a)>
To: nnsquad(a)
Ad Blocking vs. ISPs ("The French Connection") (New York Times)
"Mr. Niel's telecommunications company, Free, which has an estimated
5.2 million Internet-access users in France, began last week to enable
its customers to block Web advertising. The company is updating users'
software with an ad-blocking feature as the default setting."
- - -
Let me be very clear about this. I have written in the past of the
problematic nature of individuals employing ad blocking (originally in
"Blocking Web Ads -- And Paying the Piper" (
[Lauren's Blog] ), but for an ISP to become involved in ad blocking --
particularly by default -- is as abusive of their role as an Internet
access provider as would be their blocking particular sites or pages
with which they had a political disagreement. It is a direct affront
to the most basic tenets of net neutrality, and should be vigorously
Lauren Weinstein (lauren(a)
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility:
- Network Neutrality Squad:
- PRIVACY Forum:
- Data Wisdom Explorers League:
- Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance:
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Lauren's Blog:
Google+: / Twitter:
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype:
nnsquad mailing list
Diskussionen verkar avspeglad här:
Erik Josefsson
BE GSM: +32484082063
SE GSM: +46707696567
----- Reply message -----
Från: "Andreas Jonsson" <andreas(a)>
Till: <listan(a)>
Rubrik: [DFRI-listan] Intressant tråd på debian-security som berör SSL och Tor
Datum: tis, okt 29, 2013 19:25
On 2013-10-29 18:40, Linus Nordberg wrote:
> Andreas Jonsson <andreas(a)> wrote
> Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:50:27 +0100:
> | Jag kan ha fel dock! rätta mig gärna! vi kanske ska tillhandahålla över
> | HS ändå?
> HS-adresser (.onion) är "självautenticerande" eftersom dom består av (en
> del av) HS:ens publika nyckel.
> Den som har en HS-adress som den vet tillhandahålls av DFRI kan vara
> säker på att den får det som DFRI tror är bra och behöver inte bry sig
> om komprometterade SSL-cert eller annat SSL/TLS-relaterat.
> Frågan om hur DFRI verifierar sitt repo kvarstår.
sure. värt att notera är att debian-trådstartaren _inte_ pratade om repo:t.
sedan har vi det där med att hur nu någon ska få reda på dfri:s
hs-address... kanske via vår web som authenticeras genom.... tls? ;>
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Jag hoppas de fixade stavfelen...
Linus Nordberg <linus(a)> wrote:
>Hej listan!
>Det här har vi missat att berätta om på listan. En del grejer hamnar
>bara på Twitter [1], andra bara på IRC (#dfri_se på
>DFRI har skrivit under ett brev [2] som ställer några frågor till de
>stora tillverkarna av antivirusprogramvara [3]:
>--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>Experts call upon the vendors of antivirus software for transparency
>An international coalition of more than 25 civil rights organizations
>and security experts is concerned about the level of security provided
>by antivirus software companies. “The users of this software should be
>ably to rely on the security of their systems. We fear this might be a
>false feeling of security.” says Ton Siedsma of the Dutch digital rights
>organization Bits of Freedom.
>According to the coalition, these companies have a vital position in
>providing security and maintaining the trust of internet users engaging
>in sensitive activities such as electronic banking. There should be no
>doubt that your antivirus software provides the security needed to
>maintain this trust.
>In the letter, the coalition asks the antivirus companies for
>transparency on whether there have been any requests by governments to
>not detect the presence of governmental malware and if so, if they have
>granted such a request. They furthermore ask how the companies would
>respond to such a request in the future.
>“It has become very clear that governments will do anything to gain
>acces to as much information as possible” says Siedsma. “Requests like
>these, coming from law enforcement agencies or secret services, lower
>the general level of protection of all users of antivirus software. The
>software isn’t just used by suspects, but by all of us. This is
>something to be very concerned about, so we have asked the antivirus
>software vendors for transparancy on this matter.”
>The letter has been sent to the following companies: Agnitum, Ahnlab,
>Avira operations, AVG, AVAST, Bullguard, Bitdefender, F-secure, F-Prot,
>Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Nod32, Norton, Panda, Symantec and Trend
>--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
>Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Hej listan!
Det här har vi missat att berätta om på listan. En del grejer hamnar
bara på Twitter [1], andra bara på IRC (#dfri_se på
DFRI har skrivit under ett brev [2] som ställer några frågor till de
stora tillverkarna av antivirusprogramvara [3]:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Experts call upon the vendors of antivirus software for transparency
An international coalition of more than 25 civil rights organizations
and security experts is concerned about the level of security provided
by antivirus software companies. “The users of this software should be
ably to rely on the security of their systems. We fear this might be a
false feeling of security.” says Ton Siedsma of the Dutch digital rights
organization Bits of Freedom.
According to the coalition, these companies have a vital position in
providing security and maintaining the trust of internet users engaging
in sensitive activities such as electronic banking. There should be no
doubt that your antivirus software provides the security needed to
maintain this trust.
In the letter, the coalition asks the antivirus companies for
transparency on whether there have been any requests by governments to
not detect the presence of governmental malware and if so, if they have
granted such a request. They furthermore ask how the companies would
respond to such a request in the future.
“It has become very clear that governments will do anything to gain
acces to as much information as possible” says Siedsma. “Requests like
these, coming from law enforcement agencies or secret services, lower
the general level of protection of all users of antivirus software. The
software isn’t just used by suspects, but by all of us. This is
something to be very concerned about, so we have asked the antivirus
software vendors for transparancy on this matter.”
The letter has been sent to the following companies: Agnitum, Ahnlab,
Avira operations, AVG, AVAST, Bullguard, Bitdefender, F-secure, F-Prot,
Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Nod32, Norton, Panda, Symantec and Trend
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Världen är mycket komplicerad men målet är fortfarande enkelt.
"Den offentliga makten ska utövas med respekt för alla människors lika
värde och för den enskilda människans frihet och värdighet."
1 Kap, 2 §, Svensk författningssamling 1974:152
"alla människor" är rätt tydligt tycker jag och så vitt jag vet finns
det ganska precis 50% av kvinnligt kön och 50% av manligt kön. "för alla
människors lika värde" det kan vara en start?
Det går inte att bygga in hur mycket diskrepanser som helst i ett
system. 50% är och kommer alltid att vara 50%. När systemet inte
fungerar då blir man tvungen att gå tillbaka tills det att man hittar felet.
Jag kan inte se att det är annorlunda nu?
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Apropå att dra slipsten, det här är enligt mig det viktigaste caset det här seklet.
Om ombudsmannen fipplar bort detta så fipplas hela meningen med EU bort.
Erik Josefsson
BE GSM: +32484082063
SE GSM: +46707696567
----- Forwarded message -----
Från: "Ante Wessels" <ante(a)>
Till: "iindep info exchange hub" <hub(a)>
Rubrik: [iindep-hub] Will the Ombudsman rise to the occassion?
Datum: ons, okt 23, 2013 18:59
Will the Ombudsman rise to the occassion?
with links
October 23, 2013
By Ante
A few weeks ago I filed a complaint with the Ombudsman against
the European Parliament over the secrecy of legal advice
regarding ACTA. The Ombudsman replied that she didn’t want to
investigate the complaint as I already got access to the
documents (unofficially released versions). In a letter I ask
her to reconsider the decision, as the decision seems not in
line with an earlier Ombudsman decision, and, more importantly,
an investigation could be of major importance.
Key paragraphs:
"The secrecy surrounding international negotiations is very
problematic. For instance, the secrecy surrounding ACTA
(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) led to various European
Parliament resolutions, two Ombudsman complaints and a Court
All these cases failed, as the "protection of the public
interest as regards international relations" exception to
openness has an "absolute" character. Once successfully invoked,
the Institution does not have to balance it with the public
interest in disclosure.
The Parliament even raised this international relations
exception, that has such a devastating effect on openness, for
legal advice it produced itself after the negotiations. This
extends the brute force of the international relations exception
beyond reasonable scope. The Parliament uses the international
relations exception to negate landmark EU Court of Justice Turco
case law on legal advice. In my complaint I challenge this
over-extension by arguing that the Parliament erred in law.
Challenging this over-extension and defending the landmark Turco
case law on legal advice is of major importance.
Furthermore, I challenge the "absolute" character of the
international relations exception by pointing out it is not
compatible with human rights. If this reasoning finds
acceptance, it may break the absolute character of the
exception. It could lead to more open negotiations of
international agreements. This would be of major importance
The letter (pdf)
iindep info hub - hub(a) -
policy: * do NOT forward mails or non-public information from this list
* new subscribers must be approved by a list member
* messages from non-members addresses are bounced back
list admin is Nil (, he rarely reads the list)
TTIP är ett jätte-ACTA som omfattar allt ifrån kyckling till krypton.
Jag kollade lite på kartorna igår
Vet inte riktig vad jag ska göra med det här än.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [US-EU-TTIP] New online tool to highlight investor-state threat
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:18:06 +0200
From: Ben Beachy <bbeachy(a)>
Reply-To: Ben Beachy <bbeachy(a)>
To: <us-eu-ttip(a)>
Greetings. We've created a new online tool
<> that you might find useful
to highlight TAFTA/TTIP's investor-state threat.
It's a map of the 75,000 foreign-owned firms in the U.S. and EU that
would be granted extraordinary investor privileges under the deal (as
currently proposed), creating unprecedented exposure for both
governments to investor-state attacks on health, environmental,
financial and other safeguards. That's 24,000 U.S. subsidiaries of
EU-based corporations and 51,000 EU subsidiaries of U.S.-based
corporations that would be given greater rights than domestic firms and
whose parent companies would be empowered to bypass domestic courts in
launching claims against government policies and actions before
extrajudicial tribunals.
The maps, which are an overlay of Google maps, allow users to zoom in to
see the foreign investors in their communities that could take advantage
of the deal's investor privileges to demand taxpayer compensation for
public interest safeguards. Feel free to use and distribute as you see
Ben Beachy, Research Director
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20003, USA
Phone: 202-454-5127
Blog: <>
Twitter: @pcgtw