Det här blev annonserat idag. DFRI är del av Torservers.net.
Dom av er som är i Hamburg i mellandagarna, kom gärna på
Torservers-mötet som jag skrivit om tidigare på listan@.
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Torservers awarded $250,000 by Digital Defenders
Fri 13 December 2013 by Moritz
Dresden, December 13th, 2013 — Torservers.net has been awarded $250,000 over two years by the Digital Defenders Partnership to strengthen and improve the Tor network, the anonymity system crucial to journalists and human rights defenders using the Internet.
Tor is free software and an open network that helps internet users to defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. It is used by hundreds of thousands of daily users worldwide to secure their online communication, avoid tracking, and circumvent censorship.
Tor protects users by bouncing communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.
Torservers.net provides high bandwidth infrastructure for the Tor network since 2010. We have grown to 10 volunteer-run organizations in 8 countries. Torservers.net distributes donations and grants across independent organizations of IT security professionals, and helps build a sustainable network by teaching others how to run stable Tor infrastructure.
The Digital Defenders Partnership was established in 2012 to provide rapid response to threats to internet freedom. The Partnership aims at keeping the internet open and free from emerging threats, specifically in internet repressive and transitional environments. It also wants to increase and better coordinate emergency support for the internet’s critical users, such as bloggers, cyber activists, journalists and human rights defenders, whenever and wherever they are under threat.
Thanks to the newly awarded grant of $250,000 over two years, participating Torservers organizations will be able to sustain at least 3 Gbit/s of exit traffic, and 2000 fast and up to date bridges. Tor bridges are required in many countries with state-level censorship. 3 Gbit/s are 949 terabytes, almost a petabyte of user data, every single month, per direction.
Call for organizations
To strengthen the Tor network and prevent attackers, it is crucial to spread operation across as many groups as possible. Thanks to the Digital Defenders, Torservers.net can now extend its work and help less technical organizations with the setup and maintenance of Tor services. The Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR) is the first civil society organization to join the Torservers program with its Cyber Arabs group. This collaboration allows Cyber Arabs to give stable and working Tor access to activists and journalists in the Arab world. If you are part of an organization interested in supporting Tor, please contact Torservers.net. They have various options available, and are happy to teach tech staff and journalists.
“Since we started Torservers.net a few years ago, Tor finally became fast enough to be used for all Internet communications” comments Moritz Bartl, co-founder of Torservers.net. “New people also join the Tor network every day. With the help of the Digital Defenders, we have the chance to make the network bigger, safer and more resilient to the benefit of everyone with the desires to protect their online activities from surveillance.”
Juris Vetra
Zwiebelfreude e.V.
c/o DID Dresdner Institut für Datenschutz
Palaisplatz 3
D-01097 Dresden
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DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Det här var brasagt tycker jag:
If we technically hinder appropriate surveillance, we will have
blood on our hands.
If we technically permit inappropriate surveillance, we will also
have blood on our hands.
There is no technical solution to this conundrum. The only thing
that can excuse our conduct is our
/participation in the political process/ through which we can do our
best to find a balance and to mitigate
the harmful uses of our technology.
*From:* perpass [perpass-bounces(a)ietf.org] on behalf of Bruce Perens
*Sent:* Wednesday 4 December 2013 02:25
*To:* ietf(a)ietf.org; perpass(a)ietf.org; ietf-http-wg(a)ietf.org
*Subject:* [perpass] perens-perpass-appropriate-response-01
I have written a reply to draft-farrell-perpass-attack-00
Please read it at
The reply is _not_ in the form of an Internet Draft, because it's
political discourse.
Bruce Perens
I övermorgon, onsdag, håller DFRI (styrelse)möte igen. Den här gången
utanför stan, i Kista. Alla medlemmar välkomna.
Själv ser jag fram emot att prata om DFRI:s blivande mejltjänst. Kan vi
verkligen driva något sådant? Jag tror att det går men att vi måste
tänka större än "vanlig mejl med en bra policy".
Agendan ser f.n. ut så här
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Mötet öppnas
Val av mötessekreterare
Godkännande av agenda
Ekonomiskt läge
Uppföljning, tidigare AP:s
Uppdatering av styrelsens sammansättning till banken (Johan)
Status på fler IPV6-bryggor (Linus)
Router och dator till en ny site (NOC)
Från årsmötet ”Föreningen ska aktivt söka projektmedel.” (Styrelsen)
Finns en sida på torproject.org där vi kan lägga upp information om DFRI och så kan folk donera. Vi kan öronmärka exit-pengarna på något sätt. (Hanna)
DFRI ska börja ta Bitcoin (Alexander)
Undersöka möjligheten till ny ansökan till TU-stiftelsen till nästa möte. Men först måste rapporten in. (Hanna)
TU-rapport (Hanna)
Tid / plats för årsmöte (Styrelsen)
CryptoParty (Linda)
DFRI mail (Linus)
DFRI på 30C3 (Alexander)
Sponsring (Alexander)
Nästa möte
Mötet avslutas
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Hör av er till dfri(a)dfri.se om ni vill gå på mötet.
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Hej listan!
W3C och IAB håller en workshop i London i slutet av Mars, början av
April: http://www.w3.org/2014/strint/
DFRI skulle kunna skriva ett "position paper" om hur vi driver Tor-exits
och skicka in.
Eller ett papper om hur vi (snart) driver en mejltjänst?
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.