Dear M. Nordberg,
I refer to my email of 29 May 2013 attached.
The Legal Service is in charge of the point 5 of your request for access to documents. This part of your request has been dealt and our reply is currently circulating for signature by the hierarchy. This is why we had to extend the period by 15 working days. So you will receive our reply in the coming days.
We apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.
Concerning the points 1 to 4 and point 6, this part of your request is dealt by the Secretariat General. I put the responsible unit in copy.
Yours sincerely,
European Commission Legal Service
BERL 1/111 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2-299 57 49
-----Original Message----- From: Linus Nordberg [] Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 2:35 PM To: SJ ACCES DOCS Cc: Subject: Re: your request for access to documents - reference GESTDEM 2013/2371
Dear Ms Tilouche,
Thank you for your email extending the Commission's time limit with 15 working days to send us the document we ask for[1].
Further to Article 7(3) of Regulation 1049/2001 that you refer to, we expect the Commission's forthcoming answer to explain in detail why our request is an "exceptional case" under that article. We would like to remind you that the article stipulates that detailed reasons for the extended time-line should already have been given, for example if the document we are asking for is very long[2].
We also ask for assistance with regards to the rest of our questions (points 1 to 4 and point 6) which according to Ms Priscille Schiltz at the European Commission SG B5 have been forwarded to the service concerned[3]. As we have not received a reply from that service, we would like to be informed about the name of the service and when we will receive an answer to our questions. According to Ms Priscille Schiltz, the service concerned will reply as soon as possible.
With best regards,
Linus Nordberg DFRI - Föreningen för digitala fri- och rättigheter
[1] [2] [3]