Hej listan!
Vill dela detta med er här om MyData Conference 2016 om "Advancing human centric personal data" i Helsingfors, Finland som går av stapeln 31/8-2/9. Allt fokus är på hur modellen kan flippas från användaren är produkten till att blir ägaren av sin data i full kontroll.
Day 1: Why – “Sharing the value of personal data” Day 2: What – “Show me the action” Day 3: How – “Make it happen, make it right”
Konferensens hemsida: http://mydata2016.org/
Workflow här: https://trello.com/b/fWhUb1eN/mydata-2016
Inbjudan från i vintras:
"As some of you might well know the negotiations of EU General Data Protection Regulations are finally ready: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-6321_en.htm
This means that 2016 will be intensive year of organizations starting to implement changes for the new regulation. We are organizing a very big international event about human centric personal data management in Helsinki Aug 31st - Sep 2nd, please mark this in your calendars http://mydata2016.org/2015/12/save-the-date/
The MyData paper (12-pages) that I refered couple of times in the meeting is published by the Finnish Ministry of Transportation and Communications. You can download and read it from here: http://www.lvm.fi/documents/20181/859937/MyData-nordic-model/2e9b4eb0-68d7-4...
Hoppas några blir intresserade av att åka!
Mattias Axell Open Knowledge Sverige http://okfn.se Projektledare FrågaStaten http://fr%C3%A5gastaten.se @FragaStaten https://twitter.com/fragastaten ------------------------------------------ Tryckfrihetsförordningen | Offentlighetsprincipen | 1766-2016 FrittOrd250.se http://frittord250.se @frittord250 https://twitter.com/frittord250 ------------------------------------------