Nu behöver jag hjälp igen!
@Erik Lönroth, kan du be att få ut den här studien? (skriv, som vanligt, med listan i cc)
"The IT department has, fourth, analysed two competing document standards, Open Document Format and Office OpenXML, assisting the Groupe de Travail de Bureautique Interinstitutionnel (EU working group on interinstitutional office tools). "*This study* testifies to the difficulty of choosing one of these formats even though both are ISO standardised and to the importance of requirements, the existing documentary heritage and the systems in place when it comes to making a decision."
@Alexander Rydekull, kan du skriva nåt om att AT4AM inte funkar (eller att det funkar) att köra på på en fristående server (samma artikel)?
"The XML format is used in the EP's AT4AM, software for authoring and management of amendments on parliamentary texts. AT4AM was released as open source earlier this year."
Ha en underbar DFRI dag! :-)