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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [A2k] UK IPO office releases emails that show close
collaboration with publishers on WIPO treaty for the blind | Knowledge
Ecology International
Date: Sat, 11 May 2013 18:34:22 -0400
From: Jamie Love <>
To: a2k(a), Ip-health <ip-health(a)>
UK IPO office releases emails that show close collaboration with
publishers on WIPO treaty for the blind
On May 10, 2013, a very revealing freedom of information request was
made available from the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO). The
request had been filed on April 14, 2013 by the journalist Glyn Moody,
Emails, letters and any other written communications from the last six
months, between the Publishers Association or representatives of UK
publishers, and the Intellectual Property Office, on the subject of
the WIPO treaty for the blind (formally, the "Treaty to facilitate
Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons
with Print Disabilities".)
On May 10, 2012 the IPO released 28 pages of partly redacted
correspondence. (available here [2]) Unfortunately, the document
itself is not accessible for persons who are visually impaired.The
original request and the IPO justification for the redactions are
available here: [3]
What do the emails show?
In one case, the publishers asked to recommend a person with "outside
expertise" for the UK delegation to WIPO.
In another exchange, the publishers share a link to an article by
Professor Ruth Okediji, a negotiator for Nigeria, explaining why they
object to references to fair use in the treaty text.
The publishers pushed the UK delegation repeatedly to fight for a
restriction for exceptions in cases where there is "commercial
availability" of works, in one case highlighting the text in the new
Canada law.
One of the IPO documents has the heading "Why WIPO Should Not
Introduce Fair Use Into the Instrument for Print Disabilities."
Another is subtitled, "How commercial availability can work for all."
Overall, the emails deal extensively with publisher opposition to fair
use, and promotion of commercial availability and requests that the
treaty include restrictive three-step test language (even while
asserting that other treaties and agreements already mandate the three
step test for all copyright exceptions). The emails also demonstrate
the close cooperation and communication between the IPO and the
publishers in the negotiations.
The exchanges would have been more revealing if the IPO had not
redacted the names and titles of the individuals receiving and sending
the emails.
Source URL:
A2k mailing list
Hej, är det någon som har läst, eller har en kopia på, "Internets mörka
sidor"? Ska vara med i en debatt om cyberkrigsföring på tisdag där
författaren deltar och behöver listans hjälp att förbereda mig :)
DFRI kommer medverka på Birdie <> den 9/5-12/5 i
Uppsala. Om du vill hjälpa till på plats eller förbereda något mejla
gärna listan eller kontakta mig direkt. Vi kommer ha ett bord bland
andra sponsorer till vårt förfogande.
Läs mer på där vi också
annonserar ut att vi håller i en tävling för att få fler att köra
Tor-relän. Hör av dig ifall du vet någon som vill sponsra med priser.
(kräver javascript för att fungera bra)
"a right to object to the collection and use of personal data obtained
through online tracking of the data subject's preferences and behaviour
across websites. Where a data subject expresses this right to object
through technical means, such as a browser setting, controllers and
processors shall respect such objection, consistent with technical
industry standards, and must obtain the consent of the data subject to
process personal data derived from online tracking for marketing
purposes. Consent to online tracking shall enable persistent online
tracking across all websites unless such consent is subsequently revoked
by the data subject."
Ovanstående försöker alltså corattza-bildt lägga till i
dataskyddsförordningen. Det ser bra ut, tills man tänker på att:
1. Vi har redan starkare rättigheter som medborgare via EU E-privacy
2. Eftersom DSF är en förordning och E-privacy är ett direktiv kommer
den ta precedens (primär vs sekundär lagstiftning). Detta försvagar
alltså nuvarande rättigheter.
Frågade Walter van holst om detta, och hans input var följande:
"You are right. This would thoroughly weaken the current (although
deeply flawed) e-privacy directive.
It is also inconsistent with art. 8 ECHR in that it sanctions
cross-domain data collection a priori and only puts limits on the
subsequent use of data.
The subsequent restriction on data collection regarding minors in the
following amendment makes one laugh, although the whole of it is very sad.
Ett av motdragen blir nog att se till att komma igång med pts-rapport
(vår ff extension) samt även uppdatera websidan där om detta.
Borde jag maila Corattza-Bildt och fråga henne vad hon egentligen menar
med detta?
Som ni vet angående cookielagen så har vi skrivit en position[1] om den
och även diskuterat den tidigare på listan.
För att fortsätta driva frågan vidare har en firefox-extension tagits
fram, som hjälper användaren att rapportera överträdelser mot cookielagen.
När användaren klickar på knappen så hämtas alla cookies som webplatsen
i fråga satt och läggs sedan in i ett förformulerat mail, förberett att
skickas till PTS. Nu behöver vi feedback! Givetvis är det opensource[2]!
Det vore härligt om ni på listan kunde testa lite och återkomma med
feedback. Jag vet att länkarna i menyn förtillfället inte går att nå för
all text är inte färdigskriven ännu.
Jag har attachat extensionen i mailet som borde gå att installera i
valfri firefox 17 eller senare. Om det känns otäckt, så går det annars
att bygga från source. [3]
Tack för hjälpen!
3. Kort bygginstruktion : git clone;
cd pts/addon-sdk-1.14; . bin/activate ; cd ../pts-rapport/; cfx xpi
Det kanske är nån som vill åka till Bryssel och bråka med kommissionen
Det är på håret att idag är "14 working days before the relevant meeting".
Travel expenses
DG Trade makes available a limited budget *to cover travel expenses* for
participants in the Civil Society Dialogue (CSD) meetings.
Payment of travel arrangements shall be limited to economy class flights
or second class train journeys, and this only for the main part of the
journey - the coverage does not include taxi, subsistence or
accommodation costs. The Commission provides for a prior purchase of the
*Payments are limited to one person per organisation, and ten persons
per meeting, on a first-come first-served basis*.
*Eligibility criteria*
* must not be based in Brussels;
* must not be members of European institutions or other EU bodies;
* must be representatives of civil society organisations *registered
in the database of DG Trade
<>*, or of
their affiliated organisation(s) in developing countries;
* should provide additional input to the substance dealt with in the
CSD meetings, and contribute to a more balanced overall
representation of EU's civil society.
* Meetings for which travel expenses arrangements can be requested are
identified as such on the *DG Trade website*
* *Candidates should indicate their request when registering for a
meeting*. Such applications shall be accepted until up to 14 working
days before the relevant meeting (or as specified in the meeting
invitation). DG Trade will accept or reject the bid within 10
working days of receipt of such a request.
* The participants shall be able to follow the status of their request
by accessing their file on the CSD website.
* Participants who have been granted coverage of their travel expenses
shall have to sign an attendance sheet, available at the meeting
venue. No change of person can be made, once approval has been granted.
* Once the coverage of travel expenses has been granted, absences to
the meeting must be duly justified. The Commission is entitled to
refuse future travel payments to missing funded participants.