En inbjudan att ansöka till för den som är intresserad:
Join us for a 10-day camp in Costa Rica on 18-27 April 2020. We will
work together on developing investigation resources as part of Tactical
Tech's Exposing the Invisible Kit project. This is a collaborative,
participatory event that includes knowledge sharing, joint research
projects and coming up with new ideas and resources to help improve the
work of civil society investigators worldwide. The outcomes will be used
to advance the work of participants and their communities.
In a nutshell
Why? - To develop resources that turn investigation into an essential
practice for citizens and communities to challenge the issues and
problems that affect them.
What? - A 10-day camp focused on evidence collection and evidence
processing for those passionate about digital and field investigations.
Who? - Evidence explorers, citizen investigators, journalists,
researchers, developers, activists, artists and others working to
uncover social and political issues such as corruption, environmental
and social injustice, conflicts, human rights violations and abuses of
When? - 18-27 April 2020
Where? - Costa Rica (exact location to be announced)
Application deadline: 15 January 2020 (23:59 CET)
Organizers: Tactical Tech in partnership with Cooperativa Sulá Batsú,
TEDIC and Datos Protegidos.
Costs: we can cover travel and living costs for a number of participants.
What the camp is about
Exposing the Invisible is a project that aims at equipping community and
citizen investigators with tools, tactics and strategies that would
increase the efficiency and efficacy of their investigations.
Tactical Tech launched the Exposing the Invisible project in 2013 with
one simple goal: to showcase investigations that happen beyond the
realms of journalism and law enforcement. Since then, we have made a
number of documentary films, recorded hours of interviews, collected and
analysed tools and tactics, run several trainings and workshops and
hosted two larger events -- a Data Investigation Camp in 2017 and an
'Investigation Kit' Residency in 2018, which was the starting point for
the Exposing the Invisible Kit. The Kit is an extensive online resource
launched in April 2019 that covers a wide range of topics related to
evidence collection and verification. We are now looking to expand the
Kit and facilitate more support to civil society investigators and
curious-minded individuals by adapting/improving existing content and
developing further resources.
The camp aims to achieve this through four different tracks where
participants can share and contribute:
TRACK 1 - Expanding the Kit to include information processing, analysis
and building evidence-based narratives
We want to collaborate with like-minded investigators to provide more
replicable techniques and tested practices to understand and use the
information we collect for research and investigation.
This track will address questions such as: How can we analyse and
process information better? What stories can we tell from evidence and
how can we make investigative stories or reports more effective?
This track requires participants with demonstrated experience in working
with information to build evidence that informs stories, reports,
campaigns and other forms of delivering investigation findings to the
TRACK 2 - Developing collaborative research and investigation projects
We would like to encourage joint research and investigation projects to
test methods, explore issues or help complete existing investigations
that might benefit from collaboration or extra skills. We ask interested
applicants to propose ongoing investigations in their application form.
These should be projects that applicants have the intention of
continuing and finalising during and/or after the camp.
A key focus of this track will be to address questions like: How can we
create reproducible investigation methods or methodologies to be applied
in multiple contexts? How can we link investigations of seemingly
isolated, local issues to global problems and debates? (think
environment, corruption, human rights, migration, etc.)
This track requires participants with a demonstrated passion for
uncovering issues of public interest as well as those equipped with
investigation and verification skills and experience. We will be
actively working on planning and conducting collaborative research and
investigations that may extend beyond the camp time.
TRACK 3 - Making the Kit more useful
The Exposing the Invisible Kit is written in a simple manner but changes
are needed to make the content and methods more accessible and relevant
for wider audiences in different regions and for different communities
and skill levels. This requires simplifying and presenting existing
content in new digital or physical formats with relevant examples that
help with public dissemination and use.
This track will experiment and test new ways to entice more people to
'consume' and apply investigative resources and content in a safe
manner, with attention to elements such as localisation of content and
examples, information redesign, providing an interactive experience, etc.
This track requires participants with demonstrated experience in
information design, content editing, data visualisation, localisation
and adaptation of content to different regions (knowing local contexts,
issues, needs), improving user experience, etc.
TRACK 4 - Developing training curricula based on the Kit
We would like to turn the content of the Exposing the Invisible Kit into
research and safety training curricula that can be available to everyone
wishing to run workshops on these topics. This will involve going
through the content and developing learning plans, structures and
exercises that would suit a training format.
This track requires participants with demonstrated experience in turning
narrative content into an interactive and engaging learning
experience,designing and running workshops on topics related to research
and investigations in different regions and across different audiences
types and skill levels.
*NOTE: Applicants should apply for one or maximum two tracks and have a
proven record of working in areas relevant to the tracks (e.g. creating
and designing resources, conducting investigations, writing guides for
research and investigation, running workshops and creating course
curricula etc relevant to the topics of the Kit, etc.)
What we aim for
Over the 10 days and across these four tracks, we will be exchanging
knowledge and skills, developing ideas and new content on methods to
verify, analyse and expose evidence. This camp aims to bring together
experienced and motivated people to share, collect, test and document
the most effective and innovative digital and non-digital tools and
techniques we can use to safely research, understand and expose
misconduct and abuses of power within a human rights, investigative
research and anti-corruption framework.
For our part, we will offer a unique environment where you can share,
create and get inspired with the latest, best practices on effective
research and investigations. We will look at experiences that can be
replicated in other similar - or very different -- circumstances to
process evidence, validate and aggregate data and information. We also
want to explore completely new ways of using already documented tools
and techniques, trying to push boundaries and innovate. Because dealing
with evidence often places investigators, information and sources at
risk, we will incorporate overviews of digital (and related physical)
security risks and recommended safeguards across the work of all the
four tracks.
The aim of this event is to work together and produce material that can
be used by a larger community, while giving authorship credits to all
contributors under a Creative Commons license. Expect a collaborative,
result-oriented experience full of exciting participatory sessions in a
welcoming, inclusive atmosphere.
What to expect with logistics
The camp is communal. We will take care of parts of the space and
activities ourselves and we will not be relying heavily on external
services. Please bear in mind that in our camps we have shared
accommodation, which means that you may be sharing a room with one or
two other people, unless there are individual conditions that prevent
you from doing so.
The camp will be split into the four tracks described above, which means
a lot of small group activities and workshops. In addition, we will run
plenary sessions, skill-sharing workshops for all and entertaining
events to keep us all energized. We will structure the final schedule
and sessions based on selected participants' skill sets and experience.
Time commitment: we will be working for 6-8 hours a day. You will need
to be free for the entire period between 18 and 27 April 2020 (including
travel days) in order to attend. Please note that it is not possible to
join for a portion of the camp only.
Who should apply and why
We are looking for motivated, experienced people from across the world
with different backgrounds and skills who are interested in documenting
and sharing their knowledge and findings on collecting, analysing and
using digital and non-digital evidence in innovative ways.
Consider applying if you are:
a citizen journalist, activist, researcher, campaigner, data
journalist, investigative journalist, developer, artist or rights
advocate using digital and non-digital means to verify, analyze and
aggregate data and information for social change. This means that you
are already working on (or in the past have worked on) such processes
and are mastering open-source tools and innovative techniques. You can
be independent or affiliated with a group or organization working with
evidence collection with NGOs, advocacy groups, lawyers, activists, or
would like to combine your skills with input from such groups.
a developer or technologist working with journalists, citizen
journalists, NGOs, advocacy groups, activists with experience in digital
and non-digital investigations.
an information designer, graphic designer, filmmaker, artist, story
teller or other digital and non-digital media practitioner already
working on investigations from a social justice and rights issue
perspective able to provide verifiable track record on any of the above.
The residency will be a great chance to exchange ideas with peers and
contribute to expanding resources that will be shared with a wide
audience. At Tactical Tech we have over a decade of experience with
producing cutting-edge, widely circulated projects involving guides and
toolkits for civil society.
How to apply
To apply, please fill in this APPLICATION FORM by 15 January 2020 (23:59
Applicants should apply for ideally one or maximum two tracks and have a
proven record of working in areas relevant to the tracks (e.g. creating
and designing resources, conducting investigations, writing guides for
research and investigation, running workshops and creating course
curricula etc relevant to the topics of the Kit, etc.
*We will start informing shortlisted applicants from 20 January
2020.Applicants who did not make it on the shortlist will be informed in
February 2020.
Your information and privacy
We will use applicant information only for the process of selecting
participants and for our evaluation requirements. We will not pass your
data to any external services or organisations. It will be handled and
stored securely. All data collected through our web application form is
safely transmitted and stored using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and
AES-256 bit encryption on our own servers.
Additional information
Selection: We have a limited number of places - maximum 25. Tactical
Tech will conduct the selection of applicants together with a group of
partner organisations from Latin America. We will choose participants
based on overall diversity, skills and experience. We will also make the
selection on the basis of everyone's ability to both gain from and
contribute to the residency.
Language: Please note that the residency will be held in English
with the possibility that specific localisation and adaptation sessions
may be held in Spanish. A working level of English is necessary to
ensure overall collaboration across tracks and a smooth facilitation of
the camp. Tactical Tech is an international NGO whose primary operating
language is English. We develop resources for global audiences and
regularly adapt them to Spanish, Portuguese, French, Arabic, Russian and
other languages.
Costs: Our budget is limited so we encourage applicants to explore
full or partial external funding options. We can cover travel, visa and
living expenses for some participants based on need.
Contact: If you have any questions, please contact us at
eti(a)tacticaltech.org (GPG Key fingerprint: BD30 C622 D030 FCF1 38EC C26D
DD04 627E 1411 0C02).
About the organisations behind the Camp
Tactical Tech is an international NGO that engages with citizens and
civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of
technology on society.
Sulá Batsú is a cooperative working in local development in Costa Rica
with strategic uses of digital technologies. Its strategic areas of work
are local knowledge, social economy, art and culture for social
transformation,and digital technologies for all.
TEDIC is an NGO that defends human rights on the Internet and promotes
the development of civic technology for social change in Paraguay.
Datos Protegidos is an NGO whose mission is to promote, defend and
empower the right to privacy and the right to data protection as
fundamental human rights.
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Var där och lyssnade. Tack för en intressant föreläsning och god diskussion Linus!
Dan i publiken
> > Linus Nordberg linus(a)nordberg.se wrote
> > Thu, 21 Nov 2019 21:25:41 +0100:
> >
> > > Nu på lördag anordnar Uppsala Linux User Group (ULUG) en träff på
> > > stadsbiblioteket i Uppsala.
> >
> > Vi hade 25 åhörare vid presentationen av första delen av [1] med
> > planerad uppföljning den 29:e februari.
> > [1] https://dfri.se/wiki/presentations/2019-11-23-dfri-ulug.pdf
> > Vi hade t.o.m. tid för frågor och spenderade en halvtimme på att prata
> > om massövervakning efter själva presentationen. Folk var verkligen
> > intresserade och hade många bra frågor och synpunkter. På det hela en
> > lyckad tillställning, såvitt jag kan bedöma!
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Arkiv: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.dfri
Listpolicy: https://www.dfri.se/regler-for-listan
Hej alla!
Jag vet att intresset är stort för vouchers till 36c3, den stora
CCC-kongressen i Leipzig som hålls under mellandagarna. Jag har nu fått
ett antal vouchers, och vill nu ha intresseanmälningar så att jag kan
dela ut dessa i någon form av ordning. Kan de som vet med sig att de ska
till 36c3 maila mig, så ska jag se till att dessa delas ut. I år har jag
inte fått några replikerande vouchers, men om intresset är stort kan jag
fråga om jag kan få några extra vanliga vouchers.
En voucher är inte en biljett, utan ett sätt att köpa en biljett redan
nu, utan att behöva köa när biljetterna släpps helt fria. Läs mer om
systemet här:
/ Patrik
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Arkiv: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.dfri
Listpolicy: https://www.dfri.se/regler-for-listan
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [CryptoParty] CryptoParty, Friday October 25, 16:00, Ångström
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 14:20:28 +0200
From: Arve Gengelbach <arve.gengelbach(a)it.uu.se>
Reply-To: it-cryptoparty(a)lists.uu.se
To: it-cryptoparty(a)lists.uu.se, it-doktorander(a)lists.uu.se,
CC: Anke Stüber <anke.stuber(a)it.uu.se>
Welcome to the Uppsala University CryptoParty! We offer a learning space for
all to introduce ourselves to the basic tools for self-protection in the
digital space.
What: CryptoParty [0]
When: Friday, October 25, 16:00–18:00
Where: Ångström library [1]
Who: Everyone, no prior knowledge required
We start the CryptoParty with a talk on how DNS works and what
DNS-over-HTTPS is. Afterwards we will split in small groups.
Bring your laptops/smartphones! In small groups we’ll help each other to
install, configure, and get to know tools for improved digital privacy,
anonymity, and security. Possible topics: privacy-enhanced or anonymous
browsing, encrypted mail or chat, disk encryption, password managers, mobile
security, free operating systems, and more.
For more information on CryptoParty events in Uppsala see here [0] or
contact us on IRC [2].
Best, Anke & Arve
[0] http://user.it.uu.se/~arvge836/cryptoparty/
[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/6423393965
[2] irc://irc.freenode.net/#cryptoparty-uppsala
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Arkiv: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.dfri
Listpolicy: https://www.dfri.se/regler-for-listan
27 september 2019, 16:00-18:00 / Ångströmbiblioteket, Lägerhyddsvägen 1,
Ta med laptops/telefoner! I små grupper hjälper vi varandra med att
installera, konfigurera och lär känna verktyg för ökad digital
integritet, anonymitet och säkerhet. Möjliga ämnen: integritetsförhöjd
eller anonymt surf på webben, krypterad e-post eller chatt,
diskkryptering, lösenordshantering, mobilsäkerhet, fria operativsystem,
och mer.
Bring your laptops/smartphones! In small groups we’ll help each other to
install, configure, and get to know tools for improved digital privacy,
anonymity, and security. Possible topics: privacy-enhanced or anonymous
browsing, encrypted mail or chat, disk encryption, password managers,
mobile security, free operating systems, and more.
Mer info / More info
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Arkiv: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.dfri
Listpolicy: https://www.dfri.se/regler-for-listan
Det här mötet hos Internetstiftelsen pratade jag om på senaste
*From: *Dns-referensgrupp <dns-referensgrupp-bounces(a)lists.iis.se
<mailto:dns-referensgrupp-bounces@lists.iis.se>> on behalf of Ulrich
Wisser <ulrich.wisser(a)internetstiftelsen.se
*Date: *Monday, 26 August 2019 at 16:30
*To: *"dns-referensgrupp(a)lists.iis.se
<mailto:dns-referensgrupp@lists.iis.se>" <dns-referensgrupp(a)lists.iis.se
*Subject: *[Dns-referensgrupp] Trusted Email Services möte
Det händer mycket runt säkerheten och epost. Den 19 september anordna
vi ett möte där ni kan få information om det senaste i området.
Inbjudan är bifogat som PDF. Anmäl er gärna på
Med vänliga hälsningar
Ulrich Wisser
Senior DNS Specialist, The Swedish Internet Foundation
Mobile: +46 704 467 893
Forward from CryptoParty Uppsala:
Welcome to the Uppsala University CryptoParty! We offer a learning space
for all to introduce ourselves to the basic tools for self-protection in
the digital space.
What: CryptoParty [0]
When: Friday June 28th, 16:00–18:00
Where: Ångström library [1]
Who: Everyone, no prior knowledge required
Bring your laptops/smartphones! In small groups we'll help each other to
install, configure, and get to know tools for improved digital privacy,
anonymity, and security. Possible topics: privacy-enhanced or anonymous
browsing, encrypted mail or chat, disk encryption, password managers,
mobile security, free operating systems, and more.
For more information on CryptoParty events in Uppsala see here [0] or
contact us on IRC [2].
Best, Arve & Anke
[0] http://user.it.uu.se/~arvge836/cryptoparty/
[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/6423393965
[2] irc://irc.freenode.net/#cryptoparty-uppsala
DFRI-listan är öppen för alla.
Listan arkiveras och publiceras öppet på internet.
Arkiv: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.dfri
Listpolicy: https://www.dfri.se/regler-for-listan