Det verkar som om det är en NN-rapport på gång som man kan tycka saker om:
"Interested parties can send their comments to the Swedish government’s business department until 20 March."
Hela texten nedan.
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EU: Sweden presents ideas for telecom rules overhaul
A report commissioned by the Swedish government said that in reforming telecom rules, the EU must ensure that similar services, provided by traditional operators or by Internet-based companies, are subject to a similar set of rules. The report also highlighted that the assumption that network owners are the same companies providing communications services should be abandoned.
The study noted that the notion of significant market power, which is one of the cornerstones of the current system, is no longer adapted to the market situation, since nowadays there is no direct link between network ownership and service provision.
It was argued that rules on competition, consumer protection and copyright would be better tools than sector specific rules for communications Therefore, rather than detailed regulation, the EU should promote a set of binding rules and principles. This should also apply to net neutrality, the study noted.
As for infrastructure building, it was argued that any new law should stress that access to broadband is in the general interest of all EU citizens.
Interested parties can send their comments to the Swedish government’s business department until 20 March.