"Det ska bli olagligt att köpa och använda avkodningsutrustning för
privat bruk för att kringgå att betala för betal-tv-tjänster. Det
föreslår Kulturdepartementet i en departementsskrivelse som i dag har
skickats ut på remiss."
"I departementsskrivelsen föreslås att straffet för anskaffande och
användning för privat bruk av olovlig avkodningsutrustning ska vara
böter. För övrig privat olovlig hantering föreslås straffskalan vara
böter eller fängelse i högst två år, vilket i dag gäller för
kommersiell olovlig hantering."
"Senast den 30 september 2013 ska remissvaren ha kommit in till
Regeringen väntas besluta om en proposition senast under våren 2014.
Lagändringarna föreslås träda i kraft den 1 juli 2014."
l. Justitiekanslern
2. Riksdagens ombudsmän
3. Hovrätten för Västra Sverige
4. Södertälje tingsrätt
5. Helsingborgs tingsrätt
6. Domstolsverket
7. Åklagarmyndigheten
8. Rikspolisstyrelsen
9. Kriminalvården
10. Datainspektionen
11. statskomoret
12. Kommerskollegium
13. Tullverket
14. Konsumentverket
15. Stockholms universitet
16. Kungliga tekniska högskolan
17. Myndigheten för radio och tv
18. Post- och telestyrelsen
19. Boxer TV Access AB
20. Bredbandsbolaget AB
21. C More Emertainment AB
22. Canal Digital Sverige AB
23. Com Hem AB
24. Copyswede
25. Centrala antennföreningen
26. D il og N or di c AB
27. Film- och TV-producenterna i Sverige ek. för.
28. Föreningen för svensk medie- och kommunikationsforskning
29. Föreningen STOP
30. Företagarna
31. Google Sverige AB
32. HBO N ordic AB
33. Hi3G Access AB (3)
34. IT -företagen
35. Konstnärliga och litterära yrkesutövares samarbetsnämnd (KLYS)
36. Modern Times Group AB
37. MTV Networks Europe
38. Nokia AB
39. Non Stop Television AB
40. Sagemcom N ordic AB
42. SES Astra AB
43. Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet
44. Svenska Artisters och Musikers Intresseorganisation (SAMI)
45. Svenska Amipiratbyrån
46. Svenska kabel-TV -föreningen
47. Svenska stadsnätsföreningen
48. Svenska tonsättares internationella musikbyrå (STIM)
49. Sveriges advokatsamfund
50. Sveriges Filmuthyrareförening u.p.a.
51. Sveriges Konsumenter
52. Sveriges Television AB
53. Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB
54. Sveriges Videodistributörers Förening
55. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
56. Telekområdgivarna
57. Tele2 AB
58. Telenor AB
59. TeliaSonera AB
60. Teracom AB
61. TV 4 AB
62. Tevefolket
63. Viasat AB
64. Voddler"
Undrar hur många av dessa remissinstanser som ser några problem med
kriminalisering, med fängelse i straffskalan, av någon godtycklig
Dear Court/Registry,
Following a dialogue with both the EP and the EC[1], we turn to you to
better understand the ACTA process.
As the Commission made it clear in June last year that a negative vote
on ACTA would not stop the proceedings before the Court[2] we think
there is an overwhelming public interest in disclosure of the document
that, according to a Commission spokesperson[3], made the Commission
withdraw its referral.The case has been referred to as "A-1/12".
Would it be possible for the Court/Registry to answer the following
1) Does the document "the question asked by the Court of Justice to the
Commission in case A-1/12" that the Commission refers to in its email[4]
2) Is that document a "procedural document" or a document of another type?
3) Did the Court notify the Parliament this document? If so, when? Was
the document notified a person, a Committee Representative, the Legal
Service of the EP, the Parliament as an institution or the President?
4) Did the Court notify the Commission this document? If so, when? To
whom was it addressed?
5) Has the Commission or the Parliament asked for permission to make
this document public? Would such permission be necessary for its
6) Was the Court informed of the Commissions position that a negative
vote on ACTA would not stop the proceedings before the Court[2]?
Thank you in advance for your kind help.
With best regards,
Andreas Jonsson
DFRI - Föreningen för digitala fri- och rättigheter
[1] https://www.dfri.se/wiki/ep-acta-docs/
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Q8sSndEcsandhttp://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-12-477_en.htm?locale=en
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCBTFh3IhQY
[4] https://www.dfri.se/wiki/ep-acta-docs/EC-response-2013-06-19.txt
FSFE frågar efter frågor att fråga politikerna (typ, vad dom ska göra åt
sakernas tillstånd). //Erik
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EPFSUG] Your input needed: Questions for panel w/ Eben
Moglen, RMS, 4 MEPs
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 22:49:12 +0200
From: Karsten Gerloff <gerloff(a)fsfeurope.org>
Reply-To: Karsten Gerloff <gerloff(a)fsfeurope.org>
To: epfsug(a)epfsug.eu
Hi everyone,
as mentioned here before, on July 9 at the Libre Software Meeting
/ RMLL in Brussels, we're organising a big panel discussion on
"Technology, Power and Freedom":
After the news about wide-ranging communications surveillance
we've heard in recent weeks, this topic is arguably even more
pressing than it was before. But we want to look at the long term:
What do we need to change in politics and technology today to
build a better world tomorrow?
For this discussion we're bringing some of the Free Software
movement's leading minds together with the people who represent us
in the European Parliament. We're extremely happy to have a list
of first-rate participants:
Eben Moglen (Columbia University / Software Freedom Law Center)
Richard M Stallman (FSF)
Judith Sargentini (MEP Greens/EFA)
Marc Tarabella (MEP S&D - tbc)
Nils Torvalds (MEP ALDE)
Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (MEP EPP)
I'd like your input: What should we ask these people? What are
your most urgent questions on technology and politics?
Please post your questions here, and we'll gather them and get
them to Brussels.
Thanks & best,
Karsten Gerloff [ ] <gerloff(a)fsfeurope.org>
Free Software Foundation Europe [ ][ ][ ] [http://fsfe.org]
President | | +49 176 9690 4298
Support software freedom! [http://fsfe.org/support]
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030).
GNOME-projektet har för närvarande en fundraising där pengarna går till att
öka möjligheten till privacyinställningar och privacy-per-default i GNOME.
Lista på projekt GNOME-teamet jobbar med är:
- application containment
- enhanced disk encryption support
*- Tor integration*
- user control over diagnostic reporting features
- robust VPN routing
- application integration with system-wide privacy settings
- controls for how GNOME devices are identified on local networks
- anti-phishing features for Web, GNOME's web browser
Förutom sista punkten (vem tusan använder Epiphany?) så känns det ju värt
att donera några dollar till GNOME-teamet för att uppmuntra resterande
Ha det bra!
Emil Tullstedt
Earth Connections and Small Networks, a Greens/EFA workshop in the European Parliament
Welcome to a low key dialogue between Eben, Eva, Julien, Sandrine, Jonas, Christian and Markus where they give their perspectives on how one can deal more responsibly with "The Cloud" and the problems it brings. Bienvenue dans un dialogue informel entre Eben, Eva, Julien, Sandrine, Jonas, Christian et Markus, qui discuteront de comment aborder le «Cloud» de manière plus responsable, et des problèmes qu'il engendre.
Event link: http://www.greens-efa.eu/earth-connections-and-small-networks-10200.html
Workshop participants will ask questions as they come up and the setting is informal, only to make sure the following questions are covered: Les participants à l'atelier poseront les questions comme elles viennent, dans un cadre informel. Néanmoins les questions suivantes seront traitées:
1. What would you say is the aim of "Earth Connections" and "Small Networks"? Quel est, pour vous, l'objet des «Connexions Terriennes» et des «Petits Réseaux»?
2. Why do you think it is important and urgent? Pourquo pensez-vous qu'il est important et urgent de les prendre en compte?
3. If all the right technologies exist already, why are we still using Google, Facebook, etc? Si toutes les technologies nécessaires existent déjà, pourquoi utilisons-nous toujours Google, Facebook, etc?
4. What exactly are you trying to create? Qu'essayez-vous de créer exactement?
5. Why would I wanna be an early adopter? Pourquoi voudrais-je devenir un des premiers utilisateurs de ces réseaux?
Further activities in the room A5E1 will be announced on http://www.earth-connections.eu/ as they occur with possible presentations of concrete examples of "Earth Connections". D'autres activités dans la salle A5E1 seront annoncées au fur et à mesure sur http://www.earth-connections.eu/, avec éventuellement des démonstrations concrètes de «Connexions Terriennes».
* Markus Sabadello from Project Danube <http://projectdanube.org/> is working on developing and promoting the FreedomBox in Austria.
* Julien Rabier <http://www.libre-parcours.net/about-me/> is setting up a local non-profit ISP in France and helps the creation of such organizations through FDN Federation <http://www.ffdn.org/> .
* Jonas Smedegaard <http://dr.jones.dk/> from Debian <http://debian.org/> is an accomplished software developer interested in large scale software deployments like e.g SkoleLinux <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu> and DebianParl <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianParl> .
* Eben Moglen <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Moglen> is a professor of law and legal history at Columbia University and the founder of Software Freedom Law Center <http://softwarefreedom.org/> .
* Sandrine Bélier <http://sandrinebelier.wordpress.com/> is a French MEP for Europe Écologie <http://eelv.fr/> and member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety <http://parltrack.euwiki.org/mep/Sandrine%20Belier#committees> .
* Eva Lichtenberger <http://eva-lichtenberger.eu/> is an Austrian MEP for Die Grünen <http://www.gruene.at/> and member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism <http://parltrack.euwiki.org/mep/Eva%20LICHTENBERGER#committees> .
* Christian Engström <http://christianengstrom.wordpress.com/> is a Swedish MEP for Piratpartiet <http://www.piratpartiet.se/> and member of the Committee on Legal Affairs <http://parltrack.euwiki.org/mep/Christian%20ENGSTROM#committees> .
All MEPs are members of the Greens/EFA Internet Core Group <http://icg.greens-efa.eu/> .
Erik Josefsson
Advisor on Internet Policies
Greens/EFA Group <http://www.greens-efa.eu/36-details/josefsson-erik-138.html>
GSM: +32484082063
BXL: PHS 04C075 TEL: +3222832667
SBG: WIC M03005 TEL: +33388173776
Hej listan!
Mötet igår beslutade att DFRI skall ha en s.k. flashproxy-badge på
Här är ett utkast till svensk text som förklarar vad det går ut
på. Förbättringsförslag?
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Flashproxy är ett program som låter en webläsare reläa trafik mellan
blockerade internetanvändare och Tor-nätverket.
Genom att klicka på flashproxy-symbolen förvandlar du din webläsare till
en slags proxy. Din webläsare kommer periodiskt att fråga en
s.k. facilitator om det finns några blockerade Tor-användare som har
bett om en proxy. När den får information om en blockerad användare
kopplar den upp sig till denna och börjar reläa trafik till och från
När du stänger fliken som flash-proxy kör i så slutar din browser att
reläa trafik.
Läs mer om flashproxy på https://crypto.stanford.edu/flashproxy/
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
Om inte annat så har man lärt sig försöka :-) //Erik
Link to **EDRi-gram 11.12**:*
Still no access to ACTA documents
Today, 19 June 2013, the European Commission answered within the time
limit it had set for itself to answer to DFRI's requests for ACTA
documents. On 29 May 2013 the Commission extended the time limit with 15
working days arguing the "new time limit" was statutory under Article
7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. The Commission explained it had to
extend the period by 15 working days because its reply to DFRI was
"circulating for signature by the hierarchy" and that "circulating for
signature by the hierarchy" is an "exceptional case" under the same
The answer EDRi member DFRI received today was not signed by anyone but
the sender of the email. Neither did it contain any ACTA documents.
The Commission argues that: "The question of the Court to the
Commission, being a procedural document, does not fall within the scope
of Regulation 1049/2001 as Article 15(3) of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union (TFUE) specifies that the Court is
only subject to obligations on Transparency when exercising their
administrative tasks. This has as consequence that the document itself
can't be disclosed by the Commission."
Email from European Commission refusing disclosure of ACTA documents
Email from European Commission extending deadline (29.05.2013)
All ACTA documents @ DFRI website
(Contribution by EDRi member DFRI - Sweden)
Någon som har tips på bra VPS med schysst privacy policy? Min dog nyss och
letar alternativ ifall den inte kommer upp på några timmar :P
Emil Tullstedt
Liten puff för Data Dealer. Var med och finansiera ett grymt spel!
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Since the release of the english demo we got quite wide international
media response, from the Guardian over Le Monde to Fast Company: "Play
the part of a nefarious data dealer and see our privacy-free future up
close! You would probably be shocked to find out how much marketers
and companies know about you from the information you put on the
Internet. In this new award-winning game, you can see what it’s like
to try to grab and monetize people’s private data" (Fast Company)
This month we won the e-virtuoses Award (category: "Serious Game:
Communication/Awareness") in Valenciennes, France and the Games for
Change Award ("Most significant impact") in New York City.
But besides all the fame we still need some money to be able to finish
the full featured version of the game.
Last week we have launched our Kickstarter at http://kck.st/10hzUvJ
and although we have been quite successfull with in the first phase,
there is still a way to go to reach our goal.
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